Casa Bianca is the project of two Native-Texans who wanted to open a restaurant that is delicious, fun, and accessible. A third space for our neighbors to feel at home and visitors to feel that Austin is a world’s-best city. An experience that satisfies and gets people excited about dining out.

Executive Chef/Owner Joseph Zoccoli calls his food “weirdo Italian” - while the flavors and names of the dishes may come from his family’s origin, the forms and the techniques he uses are informed by a decade cooking Japanese cuisine and his drive to taste something new and delicious as f**k.

Joe’s partner and beverage director Richard Thomas cut his teeth on the bar during twelvish years in New York before returning to Texas in 2020. He sees the beverage program as both a complement to and an equally important component of the dining experience at Bianca. By employing low-waste but max-flavor cocktail techniques and wines from off the beaten path, he aims to deliver a program that caters both to nerds and neophytes.